We had a had a smaller party this year, we invited half the amount of people. Big parties are nice, but expensive.
We only had 3 games/activities but our guests enjoyed them and they occupied them the whole duration of the party. No one left for 5 hours or so. I was so happy to see them have so much fun.
The first was an activity similar to Build and Test at Legoland. I asked my dad to build a ramp where the kids could race cars they made. I wish I had time to paint the ramp black with yellow stripes to look more like a road, but I ran out of time. We wanted to have a lot of bricks and wheels so there would be a good selection for our guests building cars so we bought some Lego knock offs. They were so cheap (price wise and quality wise) but I'm glad we bought them because some were lost and broken after the party. Costco sells them, they are called "Best Lock" and I believe it was $18 for 900 pieces. We bought 2 boxes. We had the kids build and race first and then later in the day it was the adults turn. It was a lot of fun.

The second game was a Duplo game. Whoever could build the tallest tower in 60 seconds was the winner. This game was great, it was easy and everyone enjoyed it. We had a prize for the kid and adult who made the tallest tower.

The third game was a Lego building game. Whoever was fastest building this little airplane was the winner. Again we had a prize for the kid and adult who was the fastest.

We ordered food this time. I learned my lesson from last year. I was trying to save money so I made all the food last year and I was so stressed out that I didn't enjoy the first part of the party. So this year we looked into Souplantation, Rubios, and Pick Up Stix but it was about $9 per person. We decided on Panda Express. It was less than $5 per person. I was happy about that because with this pregnancy, I've been craving food from here.

We had lots of cakes! I made one chocolate vegan cake and 2 ice cream cakes. One was neopolitan and the other was toffee/chocolate and they were both covered with whipped cream. Nothing pretty but my family just loves ice cream cakes. Also, I had little chocolate mini figs on the side of the cake and a little mini fig holding goblets that held the 2 candles.
My friend, Jane, of Short and Sweets, made a vanilla smash cake, a mini fig that looked like my daughter (even wearing clothes that looked like what my daughter was wearing) and mini fig head cake pops! I mentioned to her that I would like some Lego themed desserts but I wasn't impressed with any of the cakes or mini fig cake pops I've seen people make. They look messy and usually people stick an M&M on top which makes it even more messy looking and disproportionate. But she made some, and they were perfect! You need to check out her work. I'm so amazed every time I see a new cake creation she has made.

Love it! So creative! I had a custom cookie cutter made, and now you've made me realize we need a custom Lego punch, right? Seriously.
yeah! i wish there was a Lego punch, that would have saved me a lot of time
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