Sunday, January 4, 2009

mini birthday cake

One of my nieces had a birthday several days ago. Her family came over for dinner this weekend and I gave her this tiny cake. From the first picture, you can't really tell how tiny it is... icing this this was SO hard! that's why it's not smooth at all. i couldn't keep the cupcake from sliding around on the plate. i should have put it in the refrigerator for while, so that icing on the bottom "gluing" it to the plate hardened up a little.

a cupcake covered in butter cream icing, plus a mini cake stand (it's really a pillar candle stand) makes this cake

i bought this candle stand just because it could pass for a mini cake stand. if you've been reading this blog regularly you'll know that i love cake stands and cake plates.

a cake for one


  1. It was cute and very thoughtful of you! Emeline loved it! You are such a neat and fun auntie! I loved the pillar stand!

  2. That is a really cute idea.

  3. Hey there!

    I had commented on one of your entries quite a while ago, and wanted to check back! What an adorable idea for a mini cake stand!! Oh my goodness, so creative!!
