Monday, March 17, 2008

Personalized labels

last december i bought labels from
i found this site a few years ago when i was planning my wedding and thought their stickers were wonderful, but never ordered them til now. i bake things and give them away often and wanted a sticker to stick on the stuff i make. so i finally bought some. here are a couple pictures. i made cookies and brought them to work last friday and my friends thought i bought the cookies from a bakery because of the packaging. i bought a cake box from the local cake supply store and stuck my sticker on in. i may never have my dream come true of having my own bakery or cafe but at least the stuff i make looks professional. anyway, i love these. take a look at the website and you'll see they have such great designs and colors. i could probably make the stickers myself, but my printer broke a long time ago and i haven't bought one yet. plus i don't know if there is paper that is of this quality for a home made sticker anyway.


  1. Very cool and professional indeed! I may want to check out that site. Thanks. I share your passion for baking too. :)

  2. Omigosh! So cute! Let's open a cafe! I'll handle the coffee side & you can do the baked goods. =D
